The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Attack Against Antrim Bandsmen reports "Flawed" say Community Representatives

Sean Mc Aughey • 14 July 2004

According to Rathenraw Community Association members, recent reports surrounding an attack against a bus carrying Loyalist Bandsmen at Rathenraw, Antrim Town is "flawed".

Residents disputing the reported version of events, claim the trouble was "sparked" by 20 or more "drunken bandsmen who launched an attack against nationalist's homes after the Steeple Young Defender's bus stopped at Rathenraw."

A Rathenraw resident, who asked not to be named said, "The bandsmen deliberately stopped at Rathenraw and threw bottles at many homes including mine. Loyalist attacks have become "normal" for Catholics living in Antrim especially in the lead up months to the 12th. But she said, last year during the 12th period, there were no loyalist attacks at Rathenraw at all and I would put this down to the presence of International Observers. Who she said, according to reports in the local press, would once again be present in Antrim Town this year, but they are not."

Rathenraw Community Association Chairman, Paddy Murray said, " Windows on the bandsmen's bus were smashed by youths living in this community. This incident happened after the Loyalists attacked homes in the area and most definitely not as they were driving by Rathenraw on their way home, as reported in the press."

Murray said, "residents are now asking for a meeting with all political leaders in Antrim to discuss a long series of false reporting and a long time lack of consultation with this community by all political parties especially when press statements are being issued and he said, the other occasions when no press statement released when residents believe one is due, regarding attacks against the Rathenraw community and its members."












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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent


Historians and economists {subsidized by governments} are very good at creating and perpetuating myths that justify increasing the power placed in the hands of government.
- Reuven Brenner

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19 July 2004

Other Articles From This Issue:

The Paravisional Alliance
Anthony McIntyre

Attack Against Antrim Bandsmen reports "Flawed" say Community Representatives
Sean Mac Aughey

A Firm Part Of The Labour Movement - The ‘Belfast SWP’ (Part 1)
Davy Carlin

Israel Builds Another Wall
M. Shahid Alam

15 July 2004

Helping the Brits
Geraldine Adams

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
Dolours Price

Antebellum Antrim Town - still a cold house for Catholics and a fridge freezer for Irish Republicans
Sean Mac Aughey

Throughly Middleclassed Millie
Marc Kerr

Treating Opression and Depression
Sean Fleming

Wake up, Ireland!
Patrick Lismore

Response to US Designation

Fallen Generals
Anthony McIntyre

John Negroponte: Dorian Gray Goes to Iraq
Toni Solo


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