must be is a matter of some amazement for outsiders
observing the constant, petty bickering and pseudo
politics that is proffered as representative democracy
in this part of the world.
two largest parties, the DUP and Sinn Fein have
been shadow boxing for what feels like forever point-scoring
over the most infantile and insignificant issues.
The strangest part of this unseemly mess is that
the both parties are so similar in make up and policies
that, to quote some commentator from the past, "you
couldn't get a cigarette paper into the gap between
a start the respective leaders will remain in control
for just as long as they deem fit. Their positions
of power have been and will remain unassailable.
normal political parties there is no dynamic within
either party for change driven by a left right polarity.
Sinn Fein and the DUP there is only right and wrong,
what the leader says is right. Anything that challenges
this is wrong.
any other society this sickness would inevitably
lead to the demise of the party but not here!
and demagogues their manoeuvrings and their right
wing policies are tolerated by a weary electorate
who deserve better.