The Blanket

David Irving

Regarding Anthony McIntyre's "Even the Obnoxious"

Sara Salzman • 10 July 2006

While we may disagree with the laws in Austria against Holocaust denial, it is important to remember that David Irving was fully aware of the consequences both when he broke the law and when he returned to Austria. He knew he was "wanted," and he bragged on his own website about the number of times he had flaunted it.

Intelligent people know that, when they travel to other countries, they need to obey the laws of that country. And even the less-than- intelligent know that you don't travel to a country where there is an arrest warrant out for you, brag about it beforehand, and then act "shocked, truly shocked" when called to account.

Irving's hubris is what put him in jail, not unjust laws.






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- Hubert H. Humphrey





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