don't agree with Barbara [Muldoon, of the Anti-Racist
Network]'s assertion that the Blanket shouldn't
publish the cartoons. In fact I think that the only
way to challenge racist stereotypes whether of Irish
Republicans or Muslims is to challenge them openly
and you can only do that when people speak and say
what they think. Otherwise racism is not challenged
it just gets covered up by political correctness and
Governments who are the ones at war in Iraq etc.,
get off the hook.
is a political weapon and has to be challenged as
such. The Blanket are right to publish them
and the satirical nature of the cartoons should be
seen for what it is and challenged if you don't like
them but they are not the cause of the difficulties
faced by Muslims or indeed a reason for the reaction
to them.
portrayed as monkeys or psychopathic killers didn't
make us Irish Republicans into either monkeys or psychopathic
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