The Blanket

Controversy over the publication of cartoons



Stewart Law • 20 March 2006

I wanted to send you a message of encouragement over the issue of the cartoons and the articles you have decided to publish.

The Blanket has always seemed to me, to hold true to the idea of free speech, when others merely pay lipservice to the notion.

I particularly found it educational to see a profile of one of the Manifesto signatories,and their reasons for taking the stand they did, I think it greatly added to the debate to include this perspective.

I look forward to reading more in the upcoming weeks,and hope the crass attempt at intimidation from certain quarters does not put you off.

Anyway, keep her lit,as we say around here.




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The Blanket welcomes your opinions, letters to the editor, and other contributions. All submissions must include your name, address, and a phone number for verification; anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Pseudonyms are discouraged but will be considered if necessary or for satirical purposes. The author bears sole responsibility for the opinion he or she expresses.

The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
- Hubert H. Humphrey





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