The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

RSF Campaign Reports


Tony McPhillips – Election Agent • 6 March 2007

Vote for all candidates pledged to abstain from puppet Stormont

Eve of poll message from Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, President, Republican Sinn Féin:

I welcome today’s full-page advertisement in the Irish News (Belfast) from 320 “Irish Republican Ex-POWs Against the RUC/PSNI and MI5”.

Since the Stormont regime insist on styling the six Republican Sinn Féin candidates as Independent Republicans it can be assumed that this call to vote tomorrow includes the Republican Sinn Féin candidates.

The names of our candidate for Mid-Ulster, ex-hunger striker Brendan McLaughlin, and our Patron, 105-year-old Black-and-Tan War Veteran Dan Keating, are included in the listing. As an ex-POW and ex-internee at various stages of the struggle over the past 50 years, I myself call in this Eve of Poll Message on the electorate to vote for all candidates pledged to abstain from the puppet Stormont assembly.

The above-mentioned RUC/PSNI has been active during the campaign in harassing Republican Sinn Féin workers. For the RUC/PSNI nothing has changed only their name, and for us the Cause is still the same and the call remains unchanged: “Vote for a totally New Ireland and an end to British rule here.”

To all Republican Sinn Féin election workers we say: “Congratulations on your exertions to date. Continue to strain every muscle and nerve in a last effort until close of Poll tomorrow, March 7. Our noble objective requires all we can give.”

Former Hunger Striker Condemns Provo Treachery

“Since I joined the Republican Movement I have done everything that I can for the Movement. Others have since deviated from the Republican path. What the Provisionals are doing now has been tried by others. In every case they have failed to realise the objectives of the Movement, and have instead followed the constitutional path and engaged in reformist action.

“Michael Collins negotiated the Treaty of Surrender as de Valera wouldn’t go himself. However this does not excuse Collins’ actions. The Treaty was carried by just seven votes (64 pro-Treaty to 57 opposed). Collins subsequently turned the gun on his fellow countrymen in the Four Courts. During the so-called “civil war” he was executed for his treachery.

“De Valera left Sinn Féin in 1926 to form Fianna Fáil. On entering Leinster House, he himself acknowledged that the “right [of that Administration] to be regarded as the legitimate Government of this country is faulty, that this House itself is faulty.” Fianna Fáil took power in the 26-Counties in the 1930s – and like Collins he turned the gun on his own men in the ’40s.

“The Stickies also embarked on the constitutional road in 1969/70. Adams did exactly the same in 1986. Like de Valera he was prepared to take seats in an illegitimate government operating out of Leinster House. Now the Provos hope once again to sit in Stormont administering British colonial rule in Ireland. And for the first time in Irish history the weapons belonging to the Irish people to secure the full freedom of Ireland were destroyed at the behest of the enemy. There can be no doubt that they will fulfil their role as the new Broy Harriers. Indeed they accepted into their ranks a former RUC man in Coleraine. They should drop all use of the proud and historic title Sinn Féin, as they have only dishonoured it.

“There is no comparison between what I fought for and what the Provos are doing now. It is evident that they are only interested in money and big jobs. They might as well take their seats in England – they’ve already done everything else. I fought for a free and united Ireland, and I support those who are prepared to continue with that struggle.

“…The fools, the fools, the fools! – they have left us our Fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace.” (Pádraig Pearse)

“I am standing in Mid-Ulster in opposition to the RUC and Stormont. Only a full British withdrawal is acceptable to me. I am standing as an abstentionist candidate in line with Republican principles. I call on the people of Mid-Ulster to reject the policies of McGuinness and the Provisional leadership. Brits Out. ÉIRE NUA in.”

Vótáil Brendan McLaughlin #1 in Mid-Ulster.

Brendan McLaughlin is a former Republican POW and 1981 Hunger Striker. He is Republican Sinn Féin's candidate in Mid-Ulster.

Michael McGonigle in East Derry

“I am standing in East Derry purely in defence of Republican principles. And I hasten to add that I – like all true Republicans – will never accept the RUC, regardless of any cosmetic changes they may employ. I stand for the Republican Sinn Féin ÉIRE NUA policy to create a completely New Ireland, free from all foreign interference, and outside of the present partitionist setup. I believe a Federation of the four Provinces, with maximum decentralisation of power, provides the best opportunity for all the people of Ireland to work together for the benefit of all of the Irish people. We of Republican Sinn Féin seek a Federal Democratic Socialist Republic of All-Ireland.

“I note that Francie Brolly was quoted in the Sunday Times of London as having said that Republican candidates “are short of resources” and “won't have the kind of money that [the Provos] would have.” Indeed he is quite correct in his analysis – however, it should be pointed out that the Provos are funded by the British Government, whose agenda they continue to serve.

“Unlike Mr. Brolly, when elected I will not take my seat in the partitionist assembly at Stormont. In line with the true principles of Republicanism – and indeed of Sinn Féin – I will abstain from Stormont and sit only in a genuine National Parliament, elected by the people of All-Ireland, once it has been re-established.

“In 1986 I stood by the principles and the Constitution of Sinn Féin, and am standing as the only true Sinn Féin abstentionist candidate in East Derry. The honourable name of Sinn Féin has never belonged in Stormont, Leinster House or Westminster.

“The calibre of Provo candidates in East Derry tells its own story. Francie Brolly – along with his wife, Ann – voted in the past for the retention of the RUC Band. Furthermore, Francie Brollyhas been notably silent on the issue of political status for the Republican POWs currently on protest in Maghaberry Gaol. At a protest in Dungiven on Saturday, 17th February, members of his party filmed the protesters before the RUC arrived to take over this duty. Despite calls for them to explain the actions of their comrades they have failed to do so.

“The other Provo candidate – Billy Leonard – was, of course, himself a member of the RUC. Indeed his family have a history of involvement in the RUC, including Special Branch. He himself served on the RUC's District Policing Partnership in Coleraine whilst a member of the SDLP before defecting to the Provisionals.

“I would remind the people of East Derry that a vote for me is a vote against the RUC, Stormont, partition and all aspects of English rule in Ireland. I endeavour to do all in my power to help all of the people of East Derry without ever entering Stormont. I believe that my past record of service on Limavady Borough Council demonstrates my ability in this regard.

“People of East Derry, vote for the only Republican candidate in the Constituency.

“Vótáil Michael McGonigle #1 on March 7th.

Upper Bann candidate launches campaign

The Republican Sinn Féin candidate in Upper Bann has said that a vote for him is a vote against acceptance of British policing and British rule in Ireland. Speaking on Tuesday, Barry Toman, from the Kilwilkie estate said:

“Some say it’s time to move on, but we say it is time for the British to move out. Supporting the RUC is the same thing as supporting British rule in Ireland. The RUC and Stormont are the twin pillars propping up British rule here. I am a Republican and so I am opposed to both of these institutions.

“I would not ask people to support or join the RUC/PSNI and neither, if elected, will I support or join Stormont. I am here to offer a voice to the republican-minded people in this constituency.”

BARRY TOMAN is a 28-year old scaffolder who has lived his entire life within the Kilwilkie estate in Lurgan, Co. Armagh. He comes from a staunch Republican family. Barry’s father – an active Republican all his life – was interned and also served a prison sentence. Eugene Toman is a family friend.

Barry himself served a six-year sentence in Maghaberry for possession of explosives with intent. He is currently active in the campaign for full political status for Republican POWs in Maghaberry Gaol.

A vote for Barry is a vote against Stormont and a vote against English rule in Ireland. He opposes the restyled RUC and – once elected – will not take his seat in Stormont.

Republican Sinn Féin candidate Michael McManus, accompanied by canvassers, carried out an intensive door to door canvass in Roslea, Newtownbutler, Donagh, Lisnaskea and Enniskillen throughout the past week. On Saturday a cavalcade was taken through Enniskillen, Maguiresbridge, Lisnaskea, Donagh and Newtownbutler during which the candidate did a walkabout in the various housing estates whislt casnvassers delivered election leaflets door to door. The election team then headed for the chapel gates in South Fermanagh, where leaflets were again distributed to Mass-goers at all chapels on Saturday night. Michael McManus was at Brookeboro to meet and talk with evening Mass-goers. He was accompanied by Michael Lavelle (Jun).

On Sunday morning all chapels in South Fermanagh were again leafleted and speakers were present at each chapel. Chapels in South Tyrone including Dungannon and Edendork were also leafleted on Saturday night and on Sunday morning.

Sarah Murphy from South Armagh spoke at both Newtownbutler and Donagh during which she exhorted the people to vote for McManus on Wednesday and to reject the Provos.

JJ McCusker accompanied the candidate to Coonian and to Lisnaskea where he again appealed for the people to vote for the Republican candidate this Wednesday.

Frank Quigley addressed Mass-goers in Aghadrumsee and Roslea on Saturday night and on Sunday morning, during which he reminded the people that the Provos had sold them out, and that the only way to assert the Republican message was to vote for McManus.

Brian O’Connor addressed Mass-goers in Arney and in Mullaghdun in the west of the county on Sunday morning during which election workers handed out leaflets to the people.

Election Agent, Tony McPhillips, went to South Tyrone on Sunday morning where he met with Mass-goers in Clogher, Augher and in Aughnacloy. Election workers distributed leaflets at all three chapels.

The stormy weather on Sunday morning shortened the duration of some of the chapel-gate meetings, however the message was delivered to a large number of people.

On Sunday afternoon the candidate – accompanied by his Election Agent and a team of canvassers from both Tyrone, Fermanagh and two welcome additions from Monaghan – began a calvacade and canvass in the Lisnahull estate in Dungannon. The cavalcade then covered a number of other areas in the town which had been leafleted during the week by RSF election workers, later moving out to cover the areas of Moy, Benburb and Eglish, finishing up in Ballygawley late in the evening. Everyone headed back home for some well-deserved rest !

Throughout the week poster squads were busy erecting election posters throughout the constituency and on Thursday a squad from Dungannon were detained by the RUC for nearly an hour outside Dungannon. During their detention they were thoroughly searched by the militia and were subjected to verbal abuse.

Did someone by the name of Gildernew tell us last week that the (so-called) PSNI were not the RUC?!!!

All in all a busy week for all Republicans.





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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

6 March 2007

Other Articles From This Issue:

Irish Republican Ex-POWs Against the RUC/PSNI & MI5

Whispering Past the Graveyard
John Kennedy

RSF Campaign Reports
Tony McPhillips – Election Agent

Save Derry
Brian Mór

Support Peggy O Hara
Ex-POWs and Concerned Republicans Against RUC/PSNI & MI5

Only the Beginning
Mick Hall

St Bore's Day
Anthony McIntyre

SS Sinn Fein
John Kennedy

Election Guarantees Nothing
David Adams

Coulter's Pre-Election Report
Dr John Coulter

Others Promise...
Brian Mór

The Curse of the Caudillo Complex
Mick Hall

Rest, Do Not Surrender
Dolours Price

...We Deliver
Brian Mór

Super Six Dictator
Dr John Coulter

Anyone Up for a Serious Alternative?
Philip Ferguson

The View from Outside
Jerry Pepin

Boom to Bust?
Dr John Coulter

Tyre Trees
Anthony McIntyre

Cleanliness Not Next to Godliness in the Shankill
Marty Egan

Leadership Needed
Stephen Hughes

Where Does the State of the Union Leave the Rest of Us?
Richard O'Rawe

22 February 2007

Litter & Glass
Anthony McIntyre

Not Worth the Paper Its Written On
John Kennedy

Ballot Box Pressure
Mick Hall

Commission of Truth Needed, Says O Hara
Peggy O Hara

RSF Election News
Press Release

Help Sinn Feign
Brian Mór

British Policing Must Never Be Acceptable in Ireland
Francis Mackey

The Next Step
Dr John Coulter

Conclusions from the Ard Fheis
Brian Halpin

McAleese Should be Criticised
David Adams

The Best Woman to Succeed
Dr John Coulter

Fred A. Wilcox

The Critical History of (Irish pop) Noise
Seaghán Ó Murchú

No Clean Hands
Anthony McIntyre



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