The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

No New Era Yet


Republican Sinn Fein • 26 March 2007

No New Era Yet

This latest accord between the Provisional movement and the Democratic Unionist Party consolidates Stormont and English rule in Ireland. It is based on the Partition not alone of Ireland but also of the province of Ulster and is an artificial method of administering an artificial entity of Six Irish Counties. As such it cannot work in the long term.

Once more English money has been decisive in cobbling it together. While it may postpone Irish national independence it cannot prevent that ideal being ultimately achieved by the Irish people.

Republican Sinn Féin looks forward to Dáil Uladh, a nine-county Ulster parliament within a federation of the four provinces of a New Ireland in which all sections and shades of opinion will be represented in proportion tom their numbers.

Natural horizontal power-sharing will replace the artificial vertical rule now being attempted. The much-vaunted “new era” we all desire has not yet arrived. - Statement by Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, President, Republican Sinn Féin


Nearly nine years on from the signing of the Stormont Agreement, it is time for Mr. Adams and the Provisional Movement to return to their former allegiance. The Stormont experiment will inevitably fail, whether in the short, medium or long term. The Provos must now return to their demand for a British declaration of intent to withdraw over a stated time frame.

Today Mr. Adams - in talks with DUP leader Mr. Paisley - agreed to resurrect Stormont on March 8th. This can only lead to further instability and conflict. He spoke of building a new relationship between Orange and Green. However the true Republican position - as espoused by this Movement throughout its history - has been to unite Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter in opposition to English rule in Ireland. Prolonging English rule can only lead to continued resistance.

The alternative is clear. Our ÉIRE NUA policy, seeking maximum decentralisation of power within the context of a Federation of Ireland's four Provinces would provide the Irish people with the opportunity to govern themselves in accordance with local majorities, and in the absence of any foreign interference in their affairs.






































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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

27 March 2007

Other Articles From This Issue:

Paisley and Adams: The Ghosts of Politics Past
Brendan O'Neill

Democractically Elected Musical Chairs
Mick Hall

John Kennedy

Bun Fights & Good Salaries
Dolours Price

No New Era Yet
Republican Sinn Fein

The Cul de Sac called 'Futility'
Anthony McIntyre

Pathetic Claims
Joe McDaid

Gerry McGeough
Martin Galvin

Gerry McGeough & Political Policing
Anthony McIntyre

Miscarriage of Justice
Helen McClafferty

Racism Bridging the Sectarian Divide
Dr John Coulter

The Prince of Darkness
Anthony McIntyre

What's All the Fuss About the Veil?
Maryam Namazie

18 March 2007

How I Almost Got My Ass Kicked at the St. Patrick's Day Parade and Lived to Tell About It
David Kruidenier

The Protestant 'Pat Finucane'
Father Sean Mc Manus, President, Irish National Caucus

Green Party Declines White House Invitation
Green Party Press Release

Assembly Needs an Opposition
David Adams

Belfast Hot Air
Anthony McIntyre

Citizen Tom
Dr John Coulter

A History of Nationalism in Ireland
Liam O Ruairc

Review of Challenging the New Orientalism
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad

Two Sides of a Coin
Dr John Coulter

Anthony McIntyre

Sinn Fein Batmen
Brian Mór

Launch of
Colm Mistéil

Reject the 'New' RUC
Republican Socialist Youth Movement

32 County Sovereignty Movement: Water Charges Are Illegal
Kevin Murphy

The National Irish Freedom Committee on Gerry McGeough
National Irish Freedom Committee

NIFC Free Form Video Discusses Elections, Abstentionism
Saerbhreathach Mac Toirdealbhaigh

America's 'Global War On Terrorism'
M. Shahid Alam

Iñaki de Juana Chaos
Anthony McIntyre



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