The Blanket

The Whys

A man who lives in the state of denial,
or should it be the state of northern Ireland?

Richard Dwyer • 26 February 2006

Let start with the great Dr. Love himself, Dr. Oliver Cromwell. He did such a good job in Ireland that the problem he tried to finish still exists today. Also try going to Barbados and ask the Irish/Scotch community in the parish of St. Andrews, what do they think of loyalists? How about 1798, 1803, 1848, 1858, 1883, 1916 & 1972. All years that uprisings occurred and were stopped. Why? Did you ever stop by Glasnevin cemetery and look at the headstones of all those people who had nothing to do but make trouble? Why? Didn't they have families & friends? Why was Dublin castle around for so long?

The Protestant rich, wannabe English leaders of their community in Ulster have been looking over there shoulder for so long -- Why? When you force people off their land so others can have it, take away their native language as well, and don't allow them to worship, why? No less than your god. Why? Don't you think that's a good reason to look over your shoulder?

Also when the rich get power, they divide the people so they can stay in power. Why? You talk of the soldiers of Ulster. Do you think they were fighting for Ulster? I believe they were fighting to escape miserable conditions, in which James Connolly and James Larkin were fighting for. A better life, with no-class conscience system. Jobs, money and security. Who knew machine guns would be blazing, mustard gas be poring on them. Who knew? The rich, who else?

So look at northern Ireland today? Can a unionist from Shankill Road walk down the Falls Road and feel comfortable? Vice versa for nationalists down the Shankill Road. Why? Who created this us versus them or the unionist siege mentality? Why?

So, Dr John, before you blame the IRA for everything, stop and ask yourself, How did it get this ugly? Why?

"I am persuaded that this is a righteous judgment of God upon these barbarous wretches who have imbrued their hands in so much innocent blood and that it will tend to prevent the effusion of blood for the future." Dr. Oliver Cromwell after Drogheda (1649)



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