The Blanket

Well Done



Richard Benedict • 13 March 2006

I read in the Belfast Telegraph you are to publish the so called “offensive” cartoons depicting the terrorist background of the Islamic religion.

I felt exactly the same as you did relating to these cartoons, this is a full on assault on freedom of speech, immediately the protest began newspaper editors and TV pundits were scurrying for cover blessing the prophet and his fascist followers diving into their BMWs and heading for the suburbs.

I am Christian and would be described as a fundamentalist in the true meaning of the word, I believe in the fundamentals of the Christian faith. My beliefs about Islam which I have spoken openly about in churches in this country would put me in the cross hairs of the Islamist terrorists. I personally believe what you are dong is courageous and right, I don’t know if you have any personal faith but I will be praying Gods protection over you and your family.

Incidentally I will also be praying for the Islamists who would happily kill me and you the only answer to their problem is a personal encounter with Jesus Christ as it is with all of us.

Any way well done for your courage and conviction I genuinely hope you will keep safe.





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- Hubert H. Humphrey





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