years pass.
The poems continue.
Words string together
homage to Rachel
songs for Rachel
theatre about Rachel
not only anniversary
and memoriam
but constant
shining and reminder.
We do not forget
who are the peacemakers.
We do not forget
the actions they take
in the name of non violent peaceful struggle.
We do not forget
the injustice and the harsh penalties
towards those who stand unarmed but righteous
against the machines of war and occupation.
So many innocent broken bones and smashed lives!
between those who act and speak out against the violence
and those who perpetuate the violence.
But, through the dark prevailing doom
wrought by bombs and Caterpillars
and weapons of any destruction
hate does not diminish
the life and spirit of
one who acted upon good and peaceful intentions.
Rachel who put her life's conviction
into daily practice
Rachel who moved bravely beyond
a more comfortable life
in order to sustain oppressed lives.
Rachel did not only pray
She became the prayer
the hope of the world:
There are no sides to peace.
years ago I stood with a small international group
including the Corries , Rachel's family, friends and
pagan activist Starhawk in a UN office . Edward Said
was to have been there but his health was failing.
After inquiring why there was no investigation into
Rachel's death, a German National told us the grim
news that there is only ONE super power that consistently
vetoes, even investigation into human rights violations.
I knew this, yet it was stunning to hear it from a
UN official. After all, I grew up in the late fifties
during a time when the US was always lauded for being
the shinging beacon of free speech and human rights
all around the world.
Presently I am confronted and affronted by the latest
development about a play about Rachel Corrie called
"My Name Is Rachel Corrie" and it's removal
from the New York Theatre Workshop.
Why is it that the folk with the biggest weapons and
guns are always in fear and suppression of the folk
with the words? I believe the answer to be that words
are ever so more powerful that they
survive what guns do. Words live on in the heart and
mind and continue to inspire. Words also can throw
open a limited perspective and provide greater understanding
about human rights issues.
The following year I heard Cindy Corrie speak at a
NGO UN conference on behalf of the Palestinian people.
Silence = Complicity
Previous poems for Rachel:
Rachel Corrie (1979-2003)
La Rosa is a librarian and artist living close to
NYC, who wonders why Caterpillar D9's aren't used
exclusively in positive ways, such as removing the
debris caused by natural disasters.
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