The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Stay Out of Neo-Con Mire


Mick Hall • 2 October 2006

As we approach the first anniversary of the publication by the Danish daily newspaper Jyllands-Poste of a number of cartoons, which in the view of most Muslims insulted their religious beliefs, it is worth considering how the US Neo-Conservatives doctrine 'a clash of civilizations' as put into practice by the administration of GW Bush as the 'war on terror' has impacted upon sections of the Western world's intelligentsia.

Former authoritarian Marxist Leninists like Christopher Hitchens, plus those who congregate around the Harry's Place web site and a majority within the Euston Manifesto group have flipped completely over from being bitter opponents of United States foreign policy and its political establishment to having become cheerleaders for the most right wing US administration within living memory, in the process placing their not inconsiderable talents as scribes at the service of GW Bush's military adventures in Iraq, which have been proved to be incompetent beyond belief and catastrophic for the people of that sorry land.

Although, it should not be overlooked, [those adventures have been] extremely profitable for those who sit at the top of the Multi National Corporations within the US military industrial complex, who have been given a blank check by the Bush administration to supply everything the US forces of occupation in Iraq need from sophisticated weaponry and ordinance to toilet paper.

If it were only the likes of Hitchens who have deserted progressive opinion for our enemies camp it would not be that much of a loss. The aforementioned have always had one eye on the clapometer of bourgeois public opinion and the other on the amount the cash cow of capitalism pays out to them. For all their past Marxist clap-trap and talk of loyalty to the masses, these people have always viewed society as a top down process to be governed in an authoritarian manner by people of their own class. Few of them had any real human contact beyond their middle class circles, whether that was in the media or universities. Indeed I would go further and say in my experience few of these individuals even like working class people, seeing us as a homogeneous mass to be moulded and used by intellectual such as themselves. They certainly had little respect for working class people, or they would never have spent half their lives believing western workers were going to over throw bourgeois democracy for a Leninist State.

However, the Neo-Conservative nonsense about a 'clash of civilization', coupled with the war mongering propaganda of big Capital and its political gofers in the White House, seems to have infected not only ex-Leninists like those intellectuals I mention above. It has also had an impact upon progressive people who have always stood four square with the wretched of the earth. Some of whom were amongst the first, mistakenly in my opinion, to support the editorial decision by the cultural editor of Jyllands-Poste, Flemming Rose, to publish the wretched cartoons in the first place back in September of last year. Sadly, in the main they do not seem to have learnt any thing positive from their decision. In many cases the opposite seems to be true and this group appears to be sinking ever more into the mire set for them by the US Neo-Conservatives and their European acolytes. In some cases to such an extent that the language they use and attitudes they take to the Islamic world differs very little from the Neo-cons and their political front men such as Bush and Blair.

Flemming Rose, who claims to have based his decision to publish the cartoons on what he saw as the undemocratic nature of Islam and its denial of women's rights, has moved to a right-wing anti-immigration position as far as Muslims are concerned. He wrote in a recent New York Times article that any newcomers to Denmark/the EU who have different 'value systems', cowardly code on his part as he clearly is singling out Muslims, should only be allowed citizenship if they adhere to their host countries established 'Christian' values. Of course he does not come out and use the word Christian, but that is clearly what he means. He then goes on to inform his readers that he has received many emails in support of publishing the cartoons, amongst them one from a serving GI in Iraq who told him he was posting the email whilst watching a game of football and drinking beer. The effect a beer drinking, M-16 assault rifle toting, GI may have on the average Iraqi and the anger he would instill simply does not seem to have crossed Rose's mind, so deep in the Neo-Conservative mire has he sunk.

Roy Johnston is another liberal minded writer and columnist who whilst not having sunk to such depths seems to be on the cusp. On reading a recent article of his in The Blanket, I had to pause and reread the final paragraph to confirm that I had understood what Mr Johnston was actually inferring. It is worth quoting as it epitomizes just how misinformed and reactionary liberal minded people can be when attempting to come to terms with the West's relationship with the billions of people throughout the world who believe in the Islamic religion. Roy wrote,

"We need somehow to interact with scholarly writers from the Islamic culture who are in a position to state the current problems within Islam, and who have a critical attitude to the simplisic 'clash of civilisations' view of history, which GW Bush is obviously trying to promote, in the interests of his military-industrial complex."

Like Flemming Rose in Denmark, who is basically saying that if Muslims refuse to adopt 'our ways' they are not welcome within Denmark and the EU and should be refused citizenship and sent back from whence they came (the poem 'Then they Came for Me' made famous by Pastor Martin Niemoller springs to mind here), Roy Johnston appears to be saying unless Islamic scholars and writers can state the current problems within Islam, they are not worth talking to. OK, perhaps I am being a little harsh here, as Roy Johnston clearly welcomes dialogue and maybe I have misunderstood his meaning. But put the shoe on a Muslim's foot and I am certain that is how it will read. Would any one of us agree to interact with someone from a different culture or religion if it is demanded of us that we first shit on our own doorstep?

Take Roy's proposition a step farther and one cannot but see it as a very negative and arrogant approach; there is not a lack of Muslims throughout the world who believe their religion has shortcomings, far from it. They cross the political spectrum from terrorists like Bin Laden, who wishes to see the return of the caliphate with himself at its head, to democratic Islamic parties like Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi [Justice and Development Party] in Turkey whose leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is currently Prime Minister and is regarded by most Turks, including many who oppose him politically, as the most able PM and more importantly the most honest since 1945. Thus, far from Muslims being unwilling to discuss with westerners their place in the world, they are only too willing given the opportunity to debate their society, religion and their hopes for the future with Westerners. However, give or take the odd shyster, flim-flam man and the academic who fancies an overseas holiday, no one is gong to enter into a dialogue under the conditions Roy suggests. In any case, surely it is more important if the West is to better understand those who practice the Islamic religion to talk to people who believe Islam is an inherent part of their lives and who may disagree with our way of life whether in its entirety or in parts.

Instead of aping and repeating the nonsensical Neo-Conservative claims that political Islam is a modern day version of European Fascism, it might help if we thought a little more deeply about exactly what fascism is and who historically has always benefited from this perverse political phenomena. Whereas in the first half of the 20th century Fascism played the role of European Capital's shock troops against democratic accountability and progressive change, with unbelievably tragic consequences for humanity throughout the world, today it is the Neo-Conservatives in the United States who have been delegated to play this role, providing the intellectual and moral justification for what amounts to nothing more than the exporting in a Fascistic manner the economic and political strategy which was practiced by the US Industrial and Financial robber barons of the late 19th and early 20th century within the USA.

This being so and taking into account the strategic and economic importance of the Middle-East to the United States, it is perfectly logical for the Neo-Cons and those they serve to view political Islam as being their main opponents in the region. This has nothing to do with it posing any serious military threat to the United States. For if it did past history has taught us that the USA would have no hesitation about using a nuclear weapon to bring any such belligerent nation and its people to heel. The Neo-Conservatives' hostility is almost entirely due to political Islam's opposition to usury in economic matters and in most cases its honesty and common decency.

Thus Capital understands only too well it is bound at some time to come into conflict with it. Whereas in the past, Capital has been able to get around the problem of Islam within the Middle East by bribing and maintaining in power leading families such as the Abu Saud's, the Hashamites and various other greedy satraps within the region, the outcome of events in Iran post the 1979 revolution has made a section of the US establishment conclude that political Islam, to date is unwilling to sacrifice their core Islamic beliefs in return for Capital's largess. This mattered little whilst the US controlled or financed via its largess the power structures and oppressive state apparatus within countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, but due to their own greed and miscalculations they are today only fully in control in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Even there the US sponsored satraps' hold is becoming increasingly tenuous as the Arab street is gradually being transformed by political Islam from a disjointed self pitying howling mob, into an organized, disciplined and confident society. Witness what happened within the areas of Lebanon in which the supporters of Hezbullah lived during the recent Israeli incursions and air attacks if you doubt this.

Now G.W. Bush and his greedy Multi National benefactors cannot come out openly and proclaim 'we are out to steal the oil of the Arabic and Islamic peoples and dominate their economies by bankrolling useless and greedy satraps such as the Abu Saud's' etc. As the aforementioned would in all probability find the Arab street at their throats and the US electorate may well have certain questions to put to the gentlemen of Capital. Nor can they go before the people of the USA and and say outright that they intend by force of arms to repeat in the Middle East what their forbears did in the American West when Capital stole the land and its minerals from the Native Americans with bayonet in hand. So instead I repeat the Neo-Conservatives have become the shock troops of Capital, to give its evil ways moral and political justification. This being so, it is hardly surprising that these days black frequently becomes white and good men and women so easily become the willing tools of another people's oppressors.

For an internationalist socialist, whether they be of the Irish Republican, Libertarian/Anarchist, Social Democratic or Communist variety, the main enemy must always be at home, for to move beyond this basic tenant is to court disaster and move out of the trench that is occupied by the wretched of the earth and into that of their oppressors.




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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

2 October 2006

Other Articles From This Issue:

Anthony McIntyre

Reply to Andytown News on Republican Family Meeting
Martin Galvin

Lights Out
John Kennedy

Creating A Viable Alternative
Dr John Coulter

Teflon Kid
John Kennedy

When Fear Trumps Reason
David Adams

Stay Out of Neo-Con Mire
Mick Hall

Who really is the Biblical Anti Christ?
Dr John Coulter

Serving Judas, Not Justice
Anthony McIntyre

25 September 2006

DNA and Diplock: A Recipe for Injustice
Martin Galvin

Carrots and Sticks
Dr John Coulter

The Time of My Life
Ray McAreavey

Hunger Strikers for Sale on Ebay
Breandán Ó Muirthile

Strange Logic
Anthony McIntyre

Digging Up the Past
John Kennedy

The History of the Belfast Anti War Movement
Davy Carlin

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 11 & 12
Michael Gillespie

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 13 & 14
Michael Gillespie

Lights Out
Anthony McIntyre

Papal in Glass Houses
Derick Perry

The GFA and Islam
Roy Johnston

Muhammad's Sword
Uri Avnery

We Are Not As Evolved As We Think
David Adams

Stone Me
John Kennedy



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