The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

The Death and Burial of The Blanket

Michael Gillespie • 18 May, 2008

It is with deep sadness that I have been told that the journal of protest and dissent, The Blanket, is going out of publication on Sunday 18th May 2008.

As someone who dissents from the establishment politics of sectarianism and partition on the island in the concept of Federal Unionism – Early Sinn Fein, I see the curtain being lowered on dissent in Ireland and the establishment’s sectarianism and the dogma of partition now hold sway everywhere throughout the land. Dissent is fading into silence.

In The Blanket I found an outlet for my own brand of political dissent and outlets for dissent are nowadays few and far between. But even so it remains my conviction that the Irish Problem is a constitutional problem and if the Island is ever to be united in genuine peace it can only be done so in The National Government of Ireland Act. The Government of Ireland Act partitioned the island only the National Government of Ireland Act can unite the Island.

But even with the dismal demise of The Blanket, personally speaking all is not lost. I have expressed my political ideas in the novel, THE WAY IRELAND OUGHT TO BE, that came out in late 2007 and can be obtained through bookshops in Ireland and from book agencies on the Internet. Authorhouse publishes it. I am at present working on a second novel titled THE RAPE OF VIRGIN MUNCHINDUN, which hopefully should come out in 2009, and again deals with the constitutional problem in Ireland. I am also contemplating a third novel titled Size Matters, which I hope will deal not only with the constitution but also with sectarian bigotry.

However journals of dissent and protest are essential to an invigorating and stimulating political landscape and in the death of The Blanket, Ireland is diminished. I am deeply grateful to the editor of The Blanket for bringing the dissenting views of Federal –Unionism to the readership.




















































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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles


18 May 2008

Other Articles From This Issue:

This Rock of Republicanism
Anthony McIntyre

A History of the Provisional Irish Republican Army and Sinn Fein:
1970-1976; 1976-1986; 1987-2007
Liam O Ruairc

Gerry, Come Clean, You'll Feel Better
Dolours Price

Strategic Failures Leading to Unease
Tommy McKearney

The Victory of Ideology
Jerry Pepin

The Blanket, One Last Time
Anthony McIntyre

In Praise of A Journal of Dissent
Mick Fealty

A Genuine Platform of Free Expression
David Adams

Folding Up The Blanket
Seaghán Ó Murchú

The Death and Burial of The Blanket
Michael Gillespie

History Will Decide
Mick Hall

Thank You
Robert W. White

Tales of the Vam-PIRA
Brian Mór

The Blanket: A Journal of Protest & Dissent
Carrie Twomey


24 February 2008

Fear Dorcha
Anthony McIntyre

An Dorcha
Richard O'Rawe

Brendan Hughes, Comrade and Friend
Dolours Price

Meeting Brendan Hughes, "The Dark", 1948-2008
Seaghán Ó Murchú

Still Unfree
John Kennedy

An Unrepentant Fenian
Martin Galvin

RIP Brendan Hughes: "The Dark"
Mark Hayes

For Darkie
Brian Mór

The Funeral of Brendan Hughes: Setting the Record Straight
Anthony McIntyre

Irish News Report of the Funeral of Brendan Hughes
Dolours Price

The Resolve of the Dogs
Tommy Gorman

Adams in the Dark
Brian Mór

Weep, But Do Not Sleep
Anthony McIntyre

Hard Times for Gerry Adams
Brian Mór

Tribute to Brendan Hughes
Bill Ashe

An Irony of Irish Politics
Dr John Coulter

Brendan Hughes, 1949-2008: Irish Republican, Soldier, Socialist
Mick Hall

Ride On
Anthony McIntyre

Brendan Hughes
Archive Material



The Blanket




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