The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 7

Religion - an Irish Christian Liberal Democracy within the United Kingdom and the National Government of Ireland Act

Next in a series of articles submitted to the Blanket

Michael Gillespie • July 2006

The Act should State that the official State Religion in Ireland is Christian Ecumenism.

The Act should recognise the following denominations as Christian:

  • The Methodists
  • The Presbyterians
  • The Church of Ireland
  • The Roman Catholic Church

The Act should recognise each of these denominations as being Christian in belief, Moral outlook, in Religious practice, in behaviour and speech.

The Act should State that these denominations are of equal status in Ireland, the one to the other.

The Act should recognise the freedom of worship according to personal conscience.

The Act should State that in Ireland Church and State are separate, the State having no authority on the Church and the Church having no authority on the State, but that the Irish clergy are subject to Irish State Law.

The Act should stipulate as necessary that the Churches be constitutionally neutral.

The Act should stipulate as necessary, that the Churches comment jointly on Religious Spiritual and Moral matters in Ireland, or on the State, or the community where these are deemed by the Churches, acting jointly to be unchristian in belief, moral out look in Religious practice in behaviour or in speech.

Under freedom of mind and freedom of choice, the Act permits the Irish clergy to vote for a Party of choice in either National or Provincial elections.

The Act forbids a Cleric to join a Political Party or form a Political Party. If a Cleric wishes to do this, he or she must first resign his or her status as a Cleric.

The Act recommends that the denominations named in the Act, pray at their main Religious Services for the Crown Irish, for the Government, The Dail and for the Provincial Government in which the Church is situated.



Next week, The Army, the Navy and the Air Force, and the Orange Order.

See Also:
Article 1: Democracy
Article 2: The Way of Life
Article 3: The Crown Irish
Article 4: Rights, Freedoms
Article 5: The Legal Profession
Article 6: Government Politics
Article 7: Religion
Article 8: Policing
Article 9: The Army, the Navy and the Air Force
Article 10: The Orange Order

Dual Presidency More Realistic
A Dual Presidency: An Improbable Solution to the Irish Problem


























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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

3 September 2006

Other Articles From This Issue:

Sinn Fein: Or the Party of Symbolic Republicanism
David Kruidenier

Public Commitment or Public Relations
Martin Galvin

Suits You, Sir
John Kennedy

False Memory Syndrome
Ray McAreavey

True Faith
Eamon Sweeney

Not the Cathal Goulding I Knew
Liam O Comain

Dark Days Ahead
John Kennedy

Return to Conflict No Alternative
David Adams

Sir Reg's Party Games
Anthony McIntyre

A Secret History of Irish Music
Seaghán Ó Murchú

Unionism's Favourite Nationalist
Dr John Coulter

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 7
Michael Gillespie

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 8
Michael Gillespie

Trotsky and the Ghetto of the Sects
Mick Hall

Global Conscience Not US Capital: The Case for Liberal Intervention
Gabriel Glickman

Letter to Bertie
Michael McKevitt Justice Campaign

27 August 2006

The Price of Our Memory
Anthony McIntyre

In the Balance
John Kennedy

The Time for Revolutionary Marxism is NOW
Darren Cogavin

No! To A Holy War
Liam O Comain

Rendition Collusion
Eoin McGrath

Rendition Flights
John Kennedy

An Open Letter to Martina Anderson
Dr John Coulter

An Honest Writer: Cristóir Ó Floinn
Seaghán Ó Murchú

A Dual Presidency: An Improbable Solution to the Irish Problem
Michael Gillespie

Michéal Mhá Dúnnáin

Petition Calling for a Referendum on Irish Unification
Patrick Lismore

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 5
Michael Gillespie

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 6
Michael Gillespie

Number Crunching
Dr John Coulter

PFI Ventures Show the Con in all its Sordid Splendour
Anthony McIntyre



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