The Blanket

The Book & Its Meaning



Marty Egan • 26 May 2006

I have taken the time to read the Koran and all its footnotes. There are many misleading ideas in The Blanket on just what it is about. There is possible salvation for the non Muslem. A prayer is contained when if recited daily, by any believer in one true god, will ascend that person from hell to paradise. The messenger allows revenge in kind for transgression. However, the message is clear that God prefers mercy over vendetta. Without mentioning Jesus, his teaching is evident in the overall concept. He is considered as being born from a virgin Mary, and will judge mankind from God's side as in the Christian bible. Believers in one true God are not considered infidels and are not to be harmed, unless they disrespect Islam as in the cartoons. A Muslem is allowed to buy kosher food blessed by a rabbi.

All I can say is read the Koran if you want to understand how it is used to undermine the thinking of Muslems who can be swayed as to its true concept of love of God, forgiveness, being satisfied with what God gives, and salvation by prayer and good deeds.





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- Hubert H. Humphrey





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