Republicanism and Islam
am a convert to Islam and have supported Irish Republicanism
both here in the USA and when I lived in Europe. I
read your recent article about "Islamic"
reformers with dismay. By attatching yourself to these
people, like Irshad Manjani and Asra Nomani, you are
unknowingly becoming the tools for the American neo-cons
and far right Zionists here in the USA.
Most of these people care nothing really about reforming
Islam, they want to destroy the religion. Their supporters
are the ultra rich, ultra right, and their power brokers
here in the Metro DC area.
If you have the opportunity to attend one of their
speeches you'll see they are populated by the very
same people that ochestrated the Iraqi invasions,
support for Israel, and the other far right agends
that have devastated the world.
As a leftist I can understand your issue with Islam,
however, dont let your ideas on this issue allow you
to become a tool for Zionists, Israel supports and
the far right neo-cons that most, if not all, of these
people are involved with.
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