The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

A United Ireland or Nothing

Liam O Comain • 31 July 2006

Traditionally amongst the republican community the objective was to get rid of the British militarily and administrative presence. Through the devious thought of the British influenced leadership of the SDLP and the Provos alongside the support of the southern political establishment what is required now is compromise between the loyalist community and the nationalist community. That compromise will ensure power sharing in the militarily occupied state which ensures the continuing reality of partition and the denial of national self determination.

That is the reality facing us today and it derives from the fact that British intelligence acting upon the anti guerilla ideas of a certain Mr. Kitson infiltrated and gained control of the Provisional Movement. Yes, there is no doubt in my mind that the Provo leadership through the betrayal of a few have accepted the anti insurgency tactics of the British invader lock, stock and barrel. For why could a movement who in their publications yearly proclaimed ' that this was the year of liberty' in an about turn settle for a partitionist arrangement. Of course in their bluff of rank and file members and supporters they used the old beterayal technique of 'this is a step towards the Republic'. No if any organisation was ever infiltrated by enemy forces or intelligence it was the Provisionals!!!

To those lundies I shout from the high heavens that it is -a united Ireland or nothing! For ill-gotten gain they have used themselves to be betrayers of the republican cause and history will confirm the truth of this contention. (In fact why does their chief negotiator not enter into an open debate with Ingram about the latter's allegations?) In the meantime to those of the republican family who are sincere let us unite in one revolutionary Republican Movement instead of feeding our egos by remaining fragmented and weak. Now is the time for unity for in unity lies our strength and future success.


















































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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

3 August 2006

Other Articles From This Issue:

A United Ireland or Nothing
Liam O Comain

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 1
Michael Gillespie

High Noon
John Kennedy

Fest or Flop
Dr John Coulter

Irish and Republican Music
Ray McAreavey

Qana Massacre again: Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our Constitution
Mazin Qumsiyeh

Israel Murders UN Observers
Anthony McIntyre

Managing Debate
Mick Hall

4 Horsemen
John Kennedy

The Evil That Men Do
Anthony McIntyre

Chris Petit's Secret History: The Psalm Killer
Seaghán Ó Murchú

Soldier of the Legion of the Rearguard
Liam O Ruairc

Football and the Fifth Commandment
Eamon Sweeney

Don't Let Us Down
Dr John Coulter

Human Rights Forum
Meeting Announcement

Billy Mitchell
Anthony McIntyre

25 July 2006

Religious Rednecks of Doom
Dr John Coulter

Cut-Throat Politics
John Kennedy

A Poem About Our Children
Mary La Rosa

Israeli Blitzkrieg
Anthony McIntyre

When Leaders Serve Foreign Interests, Everyone Loses
Mazin Qumsiyeh

By Their Friends You Shall Know Them
Mick Hall

Mission Impossible
Anthony McIntyre

Lit Crit Well Writ
Seaghán Ó Murchú

Revisiting A Literary Genius
David Adams

'The Film That Shakes A Lot More Than the Barley'
Eamon Sweeney

The Framing of Michael McKevitt: Conclusion
Marcella Sands

The Framing of Michael McKevitt: Additional Information
Marcella Sands

The Framing of Michael McKevitt: Letter of Thanks
Michael McKevitt

Pull the Other One
John Kennedy

Ex-Noraid Boss Still Gloomy on Peace Process
Jim Dee

An Honour to Have Been Part of the Blanket Protest
Anthony McIntyre

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