was delighted to read of your determination to publish
the controversial Muslim cartoons on your site. I
share your view that the Islamic world, or some of
their exremists, are trying to stifle Western liberties
such as free speech. Having had many lodgers, language
students, I have had a real insight into the Muslim
mentality and whilst wanting the opportunities of
the West they have is a real disdain for our culture.
As far as I can see many Muslims see no reason why
they should respect the cultural norms of the West
and have no problem pushing a society towards their
agenda. I have to say, there is a shocking amount
of cultural intolerance amongst Arabic Muslims, many
have simply no desire to accept the values they find
here or in the u.k.
is important that we make a stand against their fundamentalism
and assert our culture every other nation in
the world, except the English, makes clear the cultural
expectations to their immigrant groups. If we don't
make a stand for our freedom of speech then I am afraid
this will simply signal to such groups that they can
make further protestations that they are 'offended'
and seek further concessions.
a programme on Utv a few weeks ago, I have to say
that I was shocked by Martin McGuiness' cowardly stance
on the issue. Is the Ireland he wants one where we
are afraid to assert our culture of free speech? I
am sure his IRA forebearers wouldn't like an Ireland
that kow-towed to others at the expense of our own
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