One of the most notable frailties in human nature
is their seemingly insatiable need to justify
their own weaknesses and misdeeds. Nothing brings
this more to mind than the incessant, pathetic
claims by Sinn Feiners that no one could
know where Bobby Sands, Patsy OHara, etc,
would have stood today if they were alive today.
ask, how can anyone with good conscience bring
into question ones that gave their lives for what
they believed in?
was more than appalled recently when one Shinner
had the unmitigated gall to bring into question
Peggy OHaras statement that, her
son Patsy would never have given his life had
he known it was for the acceptance of British
rule in Ireland.
Peggy OHara couldnt know how her own
son would have thought today, he claimed.
of all, Peggy OHara is of the same stock
as her son Patsy; neither had nor has a quivering
bone in their bodies. Though it is not always
the case, the genetic link in the OHaras
was undeniably strong.
the shameless Shinners that spew blasphemy on
the graves of our Fenian dead, I say how dare
you. How dare you in your vain, feeble attempt
to hide your own obvious, sordid weakness put
that on the backs of our martyrs?
say, go on eat the scraps from your British masters
table if you must, but do it alone. Leave our
Fenian dead to rest in their sacred graves.
again, to those who claim, if they were
alive today
. They are not alive, they
are dead. They could have remained alive if they
had so chosen. All they had to do was accept British