The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent
The Final Step


John Cronin • 14 January 2007

Yeah, its all fine and dandy to carp, but what's your alternative strategy?

Kevin Myers (boo, hiss) wrote a good piece in the Irish Times bout a year back in which he referred to the "sheer cosmic pointlessness" of the 30 years of murder and counter murder. And he was right. Sunningdale for very slow learners.

I quote from your piece:

"To bring the North to this point was not worth one drop of blood, republican or any other. The SDLP gained more in 1974 and its leadership, like Napier, killed nobody."

True. Totally true. Tragically true. However: the main point here is, not to go over old ground, but ask yourself: where do we go from here?

Can't remember which academic said this: any army in any war: one of them gets defeated, the other wins. (Or in some cases, there is an armistice, like now.) Justice has little to do with it.

Someone in the defeated army says: what did we fight for? Why did all these people die? We, the ones who did not die, must continue the struggle in order to ensure that the dead did not die in vain. It's a fallacy: continuing the struggle just means more people dying in vain. Just suck it up and accept that they died in vain.

Look: the Irish Republic is the Land of Milk & Honey: 4% unemployment, 7% year on year economic growth for the last dozen years, U.S. software companies opening on every street corner, the farmers with Euro subsidies coming out their arses, a property boom which has turned the good people of Dublin into millionaires: this, combined with the catastrophic decline in the Ulster Protestant engineering heartland, means that a lot of Ulstermen will have to swallow their pride and send their sons down south to get a job; also, as and when the U.K. joins the Eurozone, the island of Ireland will have one currency; the economic arguments for some sort of compromise federal solution will become unanswerable. The Northern middle class, Catholic and Protestant, already understand this.




























































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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

22 January 2007

Other Articles From This Issue:

Only A Fool
Anthony McIntyre

Wake Up & Smell the Coffee
John Kennedy

Killing the Messenger
Martin Galvin

Turning Tide
John Kennedy

Derry Debate
Anthony McIntyre

The Issues That Need Debated
Francis Mackey

The Rule of Whose Law?
Mick Hall

GFA Gestapo
Brian Mór

When in a Hole...
Mick Hall

Don't Be Afraid, Do Not Be Fooled
Dolours Price

Provie Peelers
Brian Mór

No Other Law
32 County Sovereignty Movement

Whither Late Sinn Fein?
Michael Gillespie

The Final Step
John Cronin

Moral Duty
Dr John Coulter

Repatriated Prisoner's Thanks
Aiden Hulme

McDowell Blocks 'Last' Repatriation
Fionnbarra O'Dochartaigh

Óglaigh na hÉireann New Years Message 2007
Óglaigh na hÉireann

A "Must Read" For Those With a Serious Interest
Liam O Ruairc

George Faludy’s Happy Days in Hell
Seaghán Ó Murchú

Reflections on the Late David Ervine
Dr John Coulter

In Memoriam David Ervine
Marcel M. Baumann

Michael Ferguson
Anthony McIntyre

"Bloody Sunday" Commemoration Event
George Cuddy

Just Books Belfast Relaunch & Fundraiser
Just Books

2 January 2007

The Final Step
Anthony McIntyre

Of Animal Farm and Similar Stories
Tom Luby

'Securocrats', 'JAPPS' and other 'enemies of the peace process'
Liam O Ruairc

John Kennedy

Dilseacht (Loyalty)
Mick Hall

Joe & Roy Johnston: 'Water Running Uphill'?
Seaghán Ó Murchú

Concerned Republicans
Dr John Coulter

Telling Moment at Toome
Martin Galvin

Toome Debate
Anthony McIntyre

Wrap It Up
John Kennedy

KKK Taking Root?
Dr John Coulter

British Army Step Up Recruitment Attempts
Republican Socialist Youth Movement

Is This Anti-Americanism, Or What?
Father Sean Mc Manus

Finding Christmas in Uganda
David Adams

That Which Cannot Be Denied
Mick Hall

Has Regime Change Boomeranged?
M. Shahid Alam

Chile: The Ghosts of Torture
Tito Tricot

Biblical Basics
Dr John Coulter

John Kennedy

Across A Table
Anthony McIntyre



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