The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent

Racism: The Social Uniter?

Political journalist and Revolutionary Unionist Dr John Coulter warns the growing crisis of Northern racism must be met with positive action, not empty rhetoric, otherwise the late Enoch Powell's 'rivers of blood' scenario could become an horrific reality


Dr John Coulter • 16 October 2006

There's a real danger eight centuries of sectarian conflict in Ireland could be replaced by an equally vicious generation of race hatred, especially in the North.

Weekly, we hear heart-breaking accounts of racially motivated crime – but who is allowing it to happen, and why?

Despite bloody religious bigotry over the centuries, foreign tourists always remark generally about the hospitality, friendliness and kindness of the Irish, north and south – so where is the racism coming from, and more importantly, why are Northern political parties ignoring the growing crisis?

Mainstream politicians need to grab the racist bull by the horns and move beyond merely spouting and slabbering soundbites of condemnation.

Otherwise a situation will emerge in the North as is happening in Britain – the Far Right starts to win council seats.

The failure by Labour, Liberal and Tory politicians in Britain to radically address the causes of racism has created a scenario where the extremist British National Party won more than 50 seats in England.

Is it really possible the trickle of horrific racial attacks across the North could escalate into a political river where Protestants and Catholics are united in supporting extremist parties, such as the BNP, British People's Party, National Front, and the British Movement?

Stop talking rot, you cry. Then why have these groups been leafleting and postering the North in recent years?

Is it possible working and middle class unionism, sick of inter-unionist bickering, might actually look to parties campaigning on anti-migrant worker, anti-European Union, or anti-asylum seeker tickets?

Is it possible working and middle class Catholicism could tire of nationalist rhetoric about the need for a united Ireland and vote for planned racist groups, such as the Irish National Party and the Irish Patriots Party?

In the 1930s, Ireland witnessed the fascist Blueshirts in the South, and the Far Right Ulster Protestant League in the North so the island has suffered from the cancer of racism in the past.

In the EU, Britain and Ireland have some of the most liberal immigration laws. As the EU expands, and more migrant workers and families crowd into this island, at what point do the open arms of welcome become fists of hate?

Is there not the equal danger that in trying to give these migrants another chance in life, we practically condemn them to the hell of racial conflict?

Will they be grateful if they escape the poverty and unemployment of the former failed communist countries to come to the jobs – and intense racial bigotry - of an Ireland where Protestants and Catholics are at peace with one another?

In the North, perceptions can easily become realities. If it is perceived migrant workers have come to steal Protestant and Catholic jobs and homes, to get preferential treatment in health and education, as well as guaranteed rights to state benefits, then the reality is a recipe for racial disaster.

Within a decade, the memories of republican hunger strike riots in west Belfast and loyalist riots at Drumcree will become the reality of widespread rioting against migrants.

The late South Down UUP MP Enoch Powell was castigated for years for his notorious speech, dubbed the 'rivers of blood'. Maybe the former parliamentarian was talking about the North, not Britain?

Nationalist icons like Tone, Pearse and Connolly dreamed about uniting Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter. Ironically, they may yet have their dream – but will the cost be anti-migrant racism spiralling out of control?

And talking about rows over religions, The Church of England has landed itself in another unholy row amid allegations its report, Responding To Domestic Abuse, has been interpreted that people should no longer refer to God as 'He' or 'The Father'.

The report, which alleges viewing God in masculine terms can spark domestic abuse, has earned the blessing of the Anglican Communion's controversial Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.

Given this fiasco, surely its about time the island's largest Protestant denomination, The Church of Ireland, formally severed its ties with the Church of England and left the Anglican Communion.

Unlike the C of I, the C of E is rapidly losing relevance and credibility in Britain. At this rate of rewriting Scripture, its only a matter of time before the heretical Gospel of Judas is included in the New Testament.

Rowan Williams should step down from his post and let Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean take over the leadership of the C of E. At least it would be better than the present farce we have running the C of E.

Let's hope the Church of Ireland has the nerve, courage and strength to stand up for the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and boot out some the ridiculous suggestions coming from Britain.





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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

16 October 2006

Other Articles From This Issue:

Friday the 13th — The Most Terrifying Deal Ever Done!
Tom Luby

Black Friday
Anthony McIntyre

When No Means Yes
Dr John Coulter

Blowin' In The Wind
John Kennedy

Time to Conclude NI Process
David Adams

Once Bitten
Anthony McIntyre

Dysfunctional Family Values
Mick Hall

Racism: The Social Uniter?
Dr John Coulter

Nobody Home
John Kennedy

'The Revolution is the People'
Jane Horgan-Jones

10 October 2006

Hail The Messiah
Anthony McIntyre

HET: History of Whitewash Continues
Martin Galvin

To Deal or Not
Martin Ingram

One Small Step for Paisley, One Giant Step for Ireland?
Dr John Coulter

The Haunting
John Kennedy

Subversion of an Irish Peace Plan
Brian Wardlow

Working Class Hero
Mick Hall

Federal Unionism—Early Sinn Fein: Article 15 - 22
Michael Gillespie

John Kennedy

Racism: The Social Cancer
Dr John Coulter

Forced Out
Anthony McIntyre

The Letters Page Has Been Updated.



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