the first time since the hate-filled creed of
Islamic fundamentalism vomited itself onto this
earth, Christianity has a chance to stand up for
interpretation you place on the Pope's controversial
address about radical Islam, he was merely expressing
what any sane individual thinks about the vile
activities of muslim insurgency.
time has now come to form a global Pan Christian
Front to defend the Biblical principles of Jesus
Christ before everything free and decent about
our New Testament faith is eradicated from Western
structural ecumenical movement as envisaged by
the Second Vatican Council in 1959 is dead and
buried. If the leader of the largest denomination
in Christendom cannot express his opinions in
public without enduring venomous bile from Islamic
extremists, then what hope for the smaller Protestant
Churches throughout the world?
reaction to the Pope's sermon has established
one undeniable fact moderate, responsible
muslims have lost control of their faith to the
radical nutters.
is now repeating itself. The spears and swords
of Saladin's barbaric hordes from the Middle Ages
who confronted the Holy Crusaders have been replaced
by the suicide bombers and the AK47 assault rifles
of Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.
the message of radical Islam remains the same
these religious daleks want to exterminate
the entire Christian faith. How long will it be
before Islamic radicals demand 'sackcloth and
ashes' apologies for the Crusades?
Pan Christian Front is not an attempt to build
a single Christian Church, nor is it a bid to
dilute hard-hitting passages from the Bible, especially
the 'born again' sections of the New Testament.
Front is urgently needed to show the leaders of
radical Islam there is at least one faith which
cannot be bombed or butchered into submission.
no circumstances should Benedict be forced by
his advisers, or even persuade himself, that he
should issue a grovelling apology to Islamic fundamentalism.
He spoke the truth; he has NOTHING to say sorry
evangelicals and fundamentalists should not behave
like the Biblical Pharisees and knife him in the
back. Radical Islam has not just thrown down a
gauntlet to the Pope, but to every single person
on earth who sees themselves as in any way 'Christian'.
generations, Protestant fundamentalists have attempted
to brand successive popes as the Biblical anti-Christ.
Such fundamentalists have conveniently turned
a blind eye to the fact Pope Alexander the Eighth
ordered a Te Deum to be said in honour of King
Billy's victory at the Boyne.
is the one occasion where Protestant fundamentalists
need to think with their heads and not yell with
their voices. They need to briefly set aside their
theological opposition to papal infallibility,
the Mass, worship of the Virgin Mary, and the
role of the confessional and focus on the task
at hand.
attacking the Pope's speech, radical Islam has
unleashed its most blunt barrage against Christianity,
probably since the Crusades themselves.
its time for Benedict to call in Alexander's favour
from Protestantism. The Pan Christian Front can
become a pro-active movement at combating the
evils of Islamic radicalism.
of having to react every time Islamic militants
find fault with the Christian faith, let the PCF
expose the hate-driven passages in the Koran which
emphasise no tolerance or mercy to non-Islamic
Front could stop the various Christian faiths
verbally cutting each other to bits as they bicker
about the role of women in the modern Church.
cares if a woman comes into church without her
hat on, wearing trousers, or too much make-up?
Have you seen the way Islamic radicals treat their
women with utter contempt?
Pan Christian Front is not asking Protestant fundamentalists
to water down the Gospel. It is not asking you
to say the Pope is the leader of Christianity,
or to say that Roman Catholicism represents the
sole Christian faith.
PCF will tell all Christian clerics to 'wise up'
and recognise the scale of the threat posed by
radical Islam. Jesus Christ took positive action
to evict the money changers from the Temple.
forming the Front, Christianity will merely be
following in His footsteps and taking positive
action to protect the Faith.
fundamentalists need to get their act together
and recognise that when it comes to confronting
the evil fascism of radical Islamics, rallying
to support Benedict is not ecumenism; it is plain
and simple common sense.
sad reality is that there are even liberals within
Christianity who are so terrified of offending
radical Islam, they will put enormous pressure
on the Vatican to issue an apology.
radical Islam is so extreme in its beliefs that
no apology will be sufficient. Their intolerance
is so deep even decent, moderate, free-thinking
muslims live in fear of these hardline radicals.
Britain and Ireland, muslim extremists enjoy the
freedom of speech to spew out their devilish doctrines
of hate. Across the North, Protestant fundamentalists
enjoy the religious liberty to be able to stand
on street corners and hold their open air Gospel
meetings without fear of persecution.
when radical Islamics are in the majority, there
is not a snowball's chance in the flames of Hades
of them allowing Christian preachers to talk about
Salvation and being 'born again'.
many Protestant fundamentalists know the Pope
is correct about his observations on radical Islam.
Protestant fundamentalists should pause before
they decide to 'put the boot' theologically in
Benedict personally and ask the question
when you listen to the rantings and ravings of
Islamic fundamentalists, the big questions should
be: who really is the Biblical Anti Christ? It
is possible Protestantism may have interpreted
the Scriptures wrongly?