am the news editor of the Irish edition of The
Sunday Times. It's come to my attention that untrue
and unfair allegations have been made against our
newspaper, and specifically against Liam Clarke, by
members of your union.
position is, as I explained to Ray O'Reilly yesterday,
is that we have in our possession a leaflet in the
name of the IWU, giving the correct internet website,
email address and telephone number for your office
in Dublin, which called on people to oppose last Saturday's
march. I understand from Mr O'Reilly that your position
is that this leaflet is a hoax, and this is "the
second time" someone has put out a leaflet in
your name and without your authorisation.
that is the case, then is a matter for you to deal
with. We quoted accurately from a leaflet in your
name and giving your correct details. If it is your
case that this leaflet was issued without your authorisation,
and you want this clarified in the Sunday Times next
week, I suggest you write to us saying that, rather
than allowing a campaign to run on the internet.
would also like to make it clear that this leaflet
was handled by our Dublin office, and not by Liam
Clarke. His name was on our story dealing with this
last Sunday only because he contributed other elements
to that story - something you could have checked with
us before you posted inaccurate information about
Liam on the web.
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