Talk vs Orthodoxy
Derick Perry 12 March 2006
am a regular reader of the Blanket and a supporter
of the right of dissent and freedom of expression.
Quite a lot of the views expressed I disagree with
but support the right of contributors to voice it
and am always interested in hearing other view points.
I attach a file which may have already been seen by
many but given your laudable stand against the fear
induced gag imposed on mainstream media regarding
the Danish cartoons and if you have not already seen
it, may be of passing interest to you. It would seem
that this dialogue originated on Al Jazzera.
No doubt this woman is on someone's hit list somewhere!
you may care to make it available to other dissenters
on The Blanket.
may view the clip referred to above via this link.
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- Hubert H. Humphrey