The Blanket

The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent
'Provo leaders should wake up to the truth'


Carrie Twomey • Irish News, 23 November 2006

I completely agree with Jim Gibney when he writes ("Some republicans sowing seeds of confusion", 16/11/06) that among republicans there is "...concern also that a group of individuals who live among us and claim to be republicans fighting for Irish independence have degenerated to the level where they would turn their minds to such dastardly deeds."

Having lived under threat from so-called republicans in the wake of the Provisional IRA's murder of Joe O'Connor six years ago, I am very familiar with that concern. Gibney looks to South Africa for examples of this happening. I am writing to say that Gibney need not look that far, nor does he need to look to the loyalists for his examples of organizations being used to serve the interests of "securocrats" - surely he needed only to look to his own think-tank for that and spot the late Denis Donaldson. No doubt groups like the CIRA and RIRA are, as Gibney claims, "vulnerable to infiltration", or "that British intelligence agents manipulated" them. They are most certainly not alone in this, as Scappaticci, undetected for decades and shamefully covered up for by the likes of Gibney and his co-horts, most graphically illustrates.

Mr Gibney suggests that this alleged threat — which, if real, should be condemned — "stems from desperation engendered by failure". If failure is a motivating factor in republican organizations issuing threats of violence against other republicans, as Mr Gibney seems to be writing, I would again find myself agreeing with him. It could then be argued that the failure of the Provisional IRA to secure any of their stated goals, namely the withdrawal of the British from Ireland, and their subsequent acceptance of everything they once stood against, is a motivating factor in their use of violence and threats of violence against other republicans.

I also agree 100% with Mr Gibney when he writes that this alleged threat against the Sinn Fein leadership should be seen as a wake-up call. Perhaps it will wake up those in that leadership to the patronizing idiocy of the barefaced lies they consistently tell. I won't hold my breath, though.










































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The Blanket - A Journal of Protest & Dissent



There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.
- Frank Zappa

Index: Current Articles

12 December 2006

Other Articles From This Issue:

Chile: The death of a Murderer
Tito Tricot

35 Years of Silence
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Perpetual opposition haunts DUP
David Adams

Sucking Up to Sinn Fein
Dr John Coulter

Circling the Wagons
Anthony McIntyre

Spin Cycle
Carrie Twomey

The Hypocrisy is Pathetic
Seamus Kearney

'Provo leaders should wake up to the truth'
Carrie Twomey

Prison Protest Held in Newry
Republican Prisoners' Action Group (RPAG)

Get It Together
Dr John Coulter

The Liar is Dead. Long Live the Liar
Anthony McIntyre

Throw Away the Key
John Kennedy

The State's Bar Must Always Be Higher
Mick Hall

Zionism: Pitting the West Against Islam
M. Shahid Alam

Mental Madness
Dr John Coulter

3 December 2006

Forensic Framework Unravels
Martin Galvin

RUC Killing of Irish-American To Become Issue in New Congress
Fr. Sean Mc Manus

F's All Around
Dr John Coulter

Loose Ends
John Kennedy

The People of No Principle
Geraldine Adams

Policing, a Bridge Too Far for Republicans?
Willie Gallagher

Conway Mill Debate
Anthony McIntyre

Not Too Late for a United Front
Mick Hall

Afraid of the Voice of the People
James Bradley

Ideals Live On
Dolours Price

Ray McAreavey

Poetry in Motion
Lord Falls

Michael Pebble
Anthony McIntyre

Action Required to Stop Bullies
Dr John Coulter

O'Shea is Right on Aid Policy
David Adams

Ministerial Own Goal
Anthony McIntyre

‘Beyond the Veil: Perspectives on Muslim Women in a Western Secular Context’
Maryam Namazie



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