32 County Sovereignty Movement do not view today's
statement by the Provisional Movement as surprising
nor do we believe that it is in anyway historic.
This statement is merely the logical conclusion
in a process signed up to by the Provisionals in
April 1998. In negotiation that led to the Good
Friday Agreement all issues such as Decommissioning
and the issue of PIRA's future were dealt with otherwise
an agreement would not have been
reached in the first place.
accepted that Britain had a right to claim sovereignty
in the 6 counties and having accepted that the political
views of Unionism had the right to veto political
change in Ireland, the Provisional movement are
now acting in accordance with what it was they initially
signed up to. If Provisional Sinn Fein and the Provisional
IRA, who supported them at every turn, truly accepted
the terms of the GFA, then today's statement cannot
be viewed by republicans as surrender but rather
as the final act of a surrender that started many
years ago.
reality of the situation for the Provisionals is
that having been constituted to defend the sovereignty
of the Irish nation, they have usurped that sovereignty
and in the signing of the GFA and releasing statements
such as today's while Britain still claims sovereignty
in Ireland and has thousands of armed troops in
support of that claim, they have abdicated the national
position. In acting in the manner that they have
the Provisionals have admitted that the GFA has
the ability to settle the constitutional issue of
the north, which quite clearly it has not.
32 County Sovereignty Movement believe that Irish
sovereignty and the national position will be defended
regardless of what the Provisional movement does
in the future and we urge all republicans to embrace
republican principles by upholding and defending
the sovereignty of the Irish nation.