is the year indelibly marked in the history of the
Irish peoples quest for freedom.
of the sacrifices of struggle to end British interference
and occupation brought a deeply divided republican
base together for the Easter Rising.
the leaders signed the Proclamation it could not
be envisaged that ever again Republican leaders
would accept anything less than what Pearse, Connolly
and their comrades buried (here) in Arbour Hill,
gave their lives so that we might be free.
are gathered here today to commemorate these great
leaders and to remember them with pride, but much
more importantly we will never besmirch the reason
for which they died by an acceptance of anything
that falls short of their stated objective. We will
continue to uphold the principled stand they took
on behalf of the Irish people.
categorically stated in the 1916 Proclamation and
I quote, We declare the right of the people of Ireland
to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered
control of Irish destinies to be sovereign and indefeasible.
recognised that Irish National Sovereignty and the
right of the Irish people to self-determination
free from outside interference were the key to lasting
peace in Ireland.
the British executed these leaders they executed
the Provisional Government of Ireland and it was
intended to execute their vision but they failed
and they failed because of the resilience of the
Irish people. The people of Ireland ratified the
proclamation in 1918. This was the last time the
people were given a democratic choice and they made
their decision. That decision was by the people
for freedom.
execution of the signatories of the Proclamation
re-ignited the flame of freedom and we in the 32
County Sovereignty Movement are proud to be principled
in defending what the Irish people achieved through
the sacrifice of the leaders in 1916.
you gathered here today I do not have to recount
the historical events that have usurped the sovereignty
of the Irish nation from the signing of a foreign
treaty to the foundation of Fianna Fail and how
they have used the language of republicans whilst
acting contrary to the republican position and the
position of those we remember here today.
todays terms the provisional leaders have
moved to emulate Fianna Fail and having signed an
agreement with the Brits, they too have abandoned
the principles of the 1916 proclamation.
their leaders have abandoned all principles and
as we now witness the dilemma they are experiencing
is of their own making.
course they may cry victim but when they signed
that agreement they joined with all the others who
moved from being a revolutionary movement into constitutional
nationalism and are now embarked on a path of criminalizing
the republican struggle.
alone have they abandoned all principles, Gerry
Adams revealed at their Ard Fheis that he was negotiating
with the British Government towards agreement last
revelation is astonishing because he ignored the
wish of the Irish people again and as it would appear
the Brits were prepared to participate as it strengthened
their position.
like all British inspired negotiations it ignored
the right of the Irish people and chose to deliberately
ignore the Irish peoples democratic rights.
what authority did the provisional leadership negotiate
with the British Government.
Adams has a responsibility now to inform the republican
base what it was he was negotiating when the Brits
were so happy to have the Provisional leadership
collude with them to take over Ireland North and
South when it suited the needs of the British Government.
question for republicans especially those in the
provisional movement, is the Adams/Mc Guinness leadership
compatible with the principles of the 1916 leaders
and as we know it is not, therefore is their position
tenable when they call themselves republican.
evidence of the last few weeks and months demonstrates
the effects of an unprincipled leadership and the
extinguishing of principle creates the confusion
that now exists.
has no part to play in the republican struggle and
it is only with principled leadership and with vision
based on an accurate analysis of the conflict can
republicans like the leaders of 1916 come together
in exposing the illegality of British rule in Ireland.
all have a responsibility in this and in the year
ahead we will intensify our efforts in focussing
the republican debate back to the denial of Irish
National Sovereignty.
responsibility should include engaging with others
and focussing attention on the real issue and how
the GFA has failed because it failed to address
the issues that led to conflict in the first place.
claim that the GFA is an internationally binding
agreement, which recognised the free democratic
wish of the Irish people, is both fraudulent and
deliberately misleading.
claim to sovereignty by past generations and presently
by the 32 County Sovereignty Movement on behalf
of the Irish people constitutes the only legitimate
challenge on the issue of sovereignty.
people of Ireland have again been denied their 1st
preference and choice in favour of the choice of
the British Government.
are confidant that with the true analysis as outline
in the 1916 proclamation and ratified by the people
in the declaration of Independence we can trace
back all the acts of illegality including the most
recent the GFA. The British Government had no legal
right in Ireland, ever. They were here through the
use and the threat of force and they still have
no legal rights in Ireland. Why then should Irish
republicans take part in an agreement that give
them some right when the referendum leading to the
GFA was illegal under international law.
republicans need to look ahead into the next few
years and envisage the political landscape under
British Rule.
will be the acid test for the provisional leadership
set up by the British Government and if we are to
believe Gerry Kelly this issue is imminent and they
are preparing to grasp the nettle of joining the
has warned us all that republicans faces tough decisions
on this issue and I predict when they do take that
decision they will use British laws to attack republicans,
to incarcerate us in gaols and hit us with the most
draconian laws ever.
do I say this, because it is the natural progression
of the process they signed into and historically
De Valera done it when he took power and I have
no doubt our former comrades who joined and entered
the establishment will do the same as they set about
normalising British politics in Ireland.
should be prepared and let us be very clear on this
issue of policing, it is an essential ingredient
in any democracy to uphold the rule of law and order
of the people.
occupied 6 Counties is not a democracy and the PSNI/RUC
are not a police
service of the people rather they are a force totally
integrated into the British intelligence services
supported by the British army. They have direct
political purpose of protecting and upholding the
illegal sovereign claim of the British Government.
charm offensive of the PSNI that presently exists
with accents of personnel recognisable from across
the 26 County state will not delude anyone in the
Nationalist Community as to the true nature of the
will take more than a few token garda that swap
places with former RUC murderers to convince the
nationalist people that the PSNI is about policing
in isolation from British interference in Irish
joining the PSNI must be fully aware of what they
are joining. The PSNI are not acceptable to the
vast majority of the nationalist people.
PSNI are a rogue police force with a track record
of collusion and murder and there true existence
is about upholding British rule in Ireland contrary
to the principles for which the 1916 leaders were
leaders in 1916 must be saluted for the courageous
stand they took 89 years ago. Republicans must be
prepared to face down all that has been thrown at
us and there is more to come. We like generations
gone before will face it on principle and we will
not be deterred in pursuing our challenge.
service from the agreement parties cannot deliver
the vision of the men and women of 1916. The agreement
of 1998 is now dead, it has failed the Irish people
and no amount of resuscitation will give it a life
that will realise the vision of the signatories
of the proclamation.
challenge based on a true analysis can deliver their
we remember them let us remember all republican
volunteers who have paid the supreme sacrifice for
Irish freedom and let us leave here with the conviction
of our analysis. Let us commit ourselves to that
Raibh Maith Agat.