The Blanket

Support the Prisoners

Sean O Lubaigh • 20 January 2006

A renewed and revived effort is needed to continue shining the light of truth on the plight of Irish Republican P.O.W.s currently facing the harsh realities of their prison life. This unjust criminalization action is not just isolated in the Brit occupied 6 Counties but also in the collaborative Free State as well. For that matter, a dramatic increase in the use of detentions with ultimate deportations of Irish Republicans in the United States is happening as well.

This governmental troika cabal of London, Dublin and Washington is a systematic and devised scheme and plan of action which is to deny the political nature of Irish Republicans actions and to promote the line of lies that regulate Freedom Fighters to a common criminal.

We have seen this all before in one way or another, but criminalization and the fight for National Sovergnty can not be linked. Not in the past, present or the future. History has proven that legitimate Freedom Movements can not be forever stalled. Like a glacier, as long as the conditions for growth remain (cold and snow) that glacier will grow.

In comparison, as long as occupiers and illegitimate Governments rule and deny Irish Freedom the resultant war is warranted. Ocean tides will not cease nor will man and woman’s quest for Liberty, freedom and equality cease.

Only by effective support on the ground for the plight of the brave Volunteer Freedom soldiers can the struggle metamorphis into a reality of freedom. Irish Republican fighters sacrifice life and liberty, leaving families and loved behind so that we may enjoy a true Irish Democratic socialist republic. We must see to it that those loved ones left behind have the support, financial and emotional, to get them through the tough times.

The Irish Republican P.O.W.s need to be given the peace of mind that their families will be seen too. The restoration of political status for Irish Republican P.O.W.s is a part of the war that must be front and center in the public eye.

The battle for political status was fought and won once before until the Provos negotiated it away as part of the failed Good Friday Agreement. So it is up to real Republicans to continue the cycle of sacrifice to smash the chains that imprison a land and people. Highlighting and supporting Irish Republican P.O.W.s in the battle for Political Status is the least we can do.





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- Hubert H. Humphrey





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